Progress+ and Shape of Training
In September 2023 a new two-level specialty training curriculum was introduced,
More information is available on the RCPCH Progress + pages.
RCPCH Progress to Progress+ Presentation
Key changes:
Training shortened by one year
No longer 3 levels - now 2 levels - core and specialty
More flexibility in specialty choices making more well rounded paediatricians
Curriculum moves to Progress+ which is essentially unchanged - change of emphasis rather than significant content change.
Clinical exam prior to finishing ST4.
Theory exams to be completed prior to finishing ST3 and before commencing registrar duties.
Core paediatrics involve posts in general paediatrics, tertiary neonates, community and posts in specialtys.
No minimum requirement for time in specific posts as long as competencies met.
Training is getting more flexible and there will be different entry points to paediatric training.
Out of programme (OOP) experiences will be actively encouraged.
Trainees will be encouraged to take time out of training and some of the competencies gained in OOP Pause may be counted towards training if appropriate for paediatric curriculum.
Ability to change sub-specialty during ST6 if similar competencies e.g. similar GRID specialties so if for example a trainee started in PICU may relatively easily be able to move to neonatal grid. (More guidance from college coming soon).
Find out how Progress+ will affect you.
Below is a guide of how Progress+ will affect each training grade.
This is based on FT working and the college is aware that trainees are individuals with varying circumstances and working patterns so it is expected that individual plans will be made for many.
Frequently asked questions are available via the RCPCH website here.
RCPCH website - Progress + and how it will affect each training grade.
Trainees finishing ST1 in Summer 2023
Move into core training as ST2
Indicative CCT date 2029
Should pass all written parts of MRCPCH by end ST3
Should pass full clinical by end ST4
Transition to middle grade working during ST3
Trainees finishing ST2 in Summer 2023
Move into core training as ST3
Indicative CCT date 2028
Should pass all written parts of MRCPCH by end ST3
Should pass full clinical by end ST4
Transition to middle grade working during ST3
Trainees finishing ST3 in Summer 2023
Move in to core training as ST4
Indicative CCT date 2027
Should have passed all written parts of MRCPCH by end ST3
Should pass full clinical by end ST4
Wil be on middle grade rota in ST4
Look for opportunities for supported middle grade experience in ST3
Trainees finishing ST4 in Summer 2023
Must have passed MRCPCH clinical by end ST4 (summer 2023)
Will already have been on middle grade rota for a year
These trainees have a choice of path and therefore early discussion with supervisor/TPDs is essential.
Remain in core training
Indicative CCT date 2027
Move into subspeciality training in August/September 2024
Move straight in Speciality Training
General Paediatrics
Sub-speciality training (applying 2022/23 application round)
Indicative CCT date 2026
Why remain in Core Training?
Additional experience prior to Speciality Training
Increase preparation and application opportunities for Sub-Specialty Training
If level 2 capabilities have not been met
Why move straight to Speciality Training?
Completed all level 2 capabilities
Ready to progress
Appointed to sub-speciality training in 2022/23 recruitment
NB – outcomes of sub-specialty applications will be released BEFORE these trainees have to formally decide if they want to remain in core or move to Specialty Training
Trainees finishing ST5 in Summer 2023
Move in to Specialty Training
General Paediatrics
Sub-specialty training (therefore applying in 2022)
Indicative CCT date 2026
May be able to apply to move between Sub-Specialty/General Paediatric training during the first year in Specialty Training.
Trainee finishing ST6 in Summer 2023
Continue training as Specialist Trainee in
General Paediatrics
Sub-specialty training
Indicative CCT date 2025
Trainee finishing ST7 in Summer 2023
Continue training in
General Paediatrics
Sub-specialty training
Indicative CCT date 2024
Trainees who are in or starting ST8 in 2023 have the option of remaining on Progress until 15th September 2024.
Trainee finishing ST8 in Summer 2023
Will CCT before implementation of Progress+
Summer 2023
ARCP will be judged against the Progress Level 1, 2 and 3 curricula
Consider ST4 who want to complete L2 training
No requirement for time based specific placements
Range of SLEs across general, neonatal and community settings
After Summer 2023
ARCPs will be judged against Progress+ Core and Specialty Curricula
ST8 can remain on L3 Progress until 29/9/2024
‘Light touch’ ARCP for ST4 completing core in 2024
Significant overlap between learning outcomes in Progress vs Progress+
Progress+ curriculum is a change of emphasis rather than significant new content
Trainees can start to include evidence of learning around child mental health, public health and in a variety of setting before 2023.
None of the learning acquired to date will be lost and all capabilities will be carried over and mapped to Progress+