Clinical Teaching Fellow Roles
Clinical Teaching Fellow (CTF) posts are fantastic opportunities for trainees across all specialty training programmes to explore their interest and develop their knowledge, skills and experience in Medical Education. Educational roles with a specific Paediatric focus can be harder to come by, so we hereby aim to provide a platform for the expanding list of CTF opportunities within the West Midlands to be readily accessed.
These CTF roles provide Paediatric trainees with an excellent opportunity to apply for an OOP(E) to spend a year working in and educational role. Please see the specific adverts for details of the job descriptions, eligibility criteria and named contact for further enquiries.
Paediatric Clinical Teaching Fellow at Worcester Acute Hospitals Trust
- Contact Dr Luke Simonds (Deputy Head of Undergraduate Academy, WAHT)​
If you would like to add any other CTF posts to this page, please contact us.
Reflections from a previous Clinical Teaching Fellow
One of the best and most worthwhile years of my postgraduate career was the year I spent as a Paediatric Clinical Teaching Fellow (specifically in Paediatric Emergency Medicine). The specific role I undertook was predominantly educational, but supported my own professional development as a budding Paediatrician with a named supervisor and a weekly clinical shift in a busy Paediatric Emergency Department. Most of my working hours were dedicated to teaching final year medical students, which required me to plan, develop and deliver my own programme to students in the Emergency Medicine week of their Paediatric attachment. I taught in small groups, bedside teaching and in-situ simulation. Additionally, I co-delivered clinical skills teaching and simulation sessions for all medical students at the trust, as well as lecturing at the Paediatric-themed University Study Days.
I took the opportunity to undertake a Postgraduate Certificate in Education for Healthcare Professionals (PGCertEd) alongside this CTF role, which enabled me to learn about, put into practice and reflect on different teaching and learning styles; this proved to be a powerful learning experience. The insight and understanding I gained into the methods of assessment in medicine and curriculum design continue to be benefit me as I progress through my specialty training towards consultancy, when I will assume the role of educational/clinical supervisor. Additional opportunities were also made available to me during this year out of training, including attending a Medical Education Conference and completing Medical Examiner Training. There was also opportunity to be involved in research and audit, with focus on my own career interests.
Each CTF post will be different I'm sure, but I do not doubt that each post will provide abundance of opportunity to develop your skills and confidence in medical education, but also in management and leadership. Not only did this year equip me with skills, experiences and qualifications that have helped open doors as I progress along my career path, they gave invaluable insight informing which career path I aspired to!
I cannot endorse Clinical Teaching Fellow posts enough - and I'm yet to find a CTF who hasn't wanted to sing and shout about what an amazing opportunity it was.
AS - Clinical Teaching Fellow 2014-2015