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Governance Activity

As part of our Paediatric Training we are expected to participate in regular governance activity.  This includes a variety of different governance activities.

There are many aspects to clinical governance, as shown below.  Some of these may be captured elsewhere in your portfolio through delivering or attending teaching, reflecting on critical events or participating in research.  Activities you might undertake include:


  • Review or write a guideline or protocol for a department or hospital

  • Assist in a Root Cause Analysis by helpfing draft a timeline for an event being investigated.

  • Attend a departmental governance meeting which could include:

    • Discussions around risk registers,

    • Incident reports

    • Learning from excellence reports

    • Audit outcomes

    • Complaints

  • Participate in a local, regional, or even national committee with a governance role; for example you might be a trainee representative.

  • Be involved in a service improvement or quality improvement project to affect change in your department.

  • Help to create a training package or course locally or regionally.

  • Organise local or regional teaching.

  • Reflect on a critical incident that you or your department were involved in.  Discuss how the incident was addressed and what steps you might take if you were the consultant in that situation.





You can use the various governance activities described above to demonstrate the completion of the Progress Curriculum

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