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Resources on Returning from Shielding & Alternative Working

Health Education England (HEE) and the SuppoRTT team have been working hard to try and provide helpful support, guidance and knowledge refreshers to those who have been/ are shielding or stringently socially distancing due to COVID-19 to make returning to work a safer and smoother experience, or if you need to continue working differently, ways in which trainees and supervisors can maximise the training experience.

Please click the button below to go to website to find:

1. Advice & webinars for trainees, trainers and educational supervisors on the return to work process, paperwork and suggested activities for those continuing to shield/ work remotely

2. PSU Pandemic Podcast


There are also resources for all trainees about the psychology of the pandemic and webinars of interest to all. These can be found on the same site. 


COVID-19 Self-Certification Documents

If you have not been emailed these optional documents to record activities and work done during this time in a different role, redeployment (etc) and wish to have these formally recorded please email the SuppoRTT team or the trainee committee and we will pass it on. 

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